Thursday, August 18, 2005

Dark world, Darker people

Mathrubhoomi......mother land, yet the movie describes a society that kills female infants, leading to the extinction of the female race. Finding a bride in this society becomes impossible and people are willing to pay to get a bride for their children. The movie has only one female character who is used and abused throughout the movie. It was extremely disturbing to say the least. But it is weird that you can get disturbed by a movie and not by what you see around. You cry at the misfortunes of your favourite star, but the suffering of your neighbour has no place in your full life. We try to identify with celluloid but are seldom able to identify with real life. What ails us....? In a time when everyone tries to find god in books and wars, where does one find time to find the god within ourselves? Where is the compassion described in the bible, the morals described in the gita or the generosity of the quran? Instead we have the holy wars and prejudice against other religions. We are willing to destroy even the most sacred of all, the womb that produces life. I will never really understand women, but I dont think I will stop trying. It is a fascination I have for a race that has endured humiliation, rape, torture, discrimination and the burden of childbirth since the begenning of time. They are our mothers, sisters, lovers, wives and friends, but we seem to have no respect. Men have always ruled the world and have fucked it up well and beyond repair. just watching the world slip closer to chaos leads me to think, what would the world have been like if women had led us through?