Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Movie marathon!!

Heres a list of movies for your movie marathon. I do not approve of the Thai food idea...it is just not right. You will find my reccomendations of great movies by the directors in some places, I just thought the movies I have listed might interest you guys more than my other reccomendations.

1] Sunset Blvd: (B/W) 1950
One of the best film noir movies ever made. A down on luck screen writer runs into a prima donna silent era star, agrees to do the screenplay for her comeback movie, and ends up being a kept man. The screenplay and acting are top notch.
[Dir: Billy Wilder/ Gloria Swanson, William Holden]

2] Irma La Douche: 1963
A naive cop loses his job while trying to clean out a red light district and ends up becoming the pimp of a sweet young prostitute called Irma, who he falls in love with. He tries to keep her of the streets by dressing up as an old Englishman who wants her servies exclusively. Brilliant work by the man who plays the bristo owner, Tasche.
[Dir: Billy Wilder/ Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine]

Other good Billy Wilder Movies: Some like it hot[Lemmon, Monroe], The Apartment[Lemmon, MacLaine], Seven year itch[Monroe], Sabrina[A. Hepburn, Bogart, Holden]

3] Rear Window: (B/W)1954
A photographer with a broken leg starts spying on his neighbours from his rear side window and ends up as a witness to a murder. Done in the inimitable style Hitchcock is famous for.
[Dir: Alfred hitchcock/ James Stewart, Grace Kelly]

4] North by Northwest: 1959
A story of mistaken identity, involving the mob and the government and a spectacular finish Hitchcock style. Booyah.
[Dir: Alfred Hitchcock/ Cary Grant]

More Hitchcock: Psycho[A.Perkins], The birds, Vertigo[Stewart], The man who knew too much[Stewart], Dial M for murder[Grace Kelly], The trouble with Harry

5] Chinatown: 1974
Film noir style tale set in the 50's. A private eye Gittes investigates the death of an engineer and ends up uncovering a twisted family secret of a much respected businessman. One of Nicholson's best.
[Dir: R.Polanski/ J.Nicholson, Faye Dunaway]

Other Polanski movies: Rosemary's baby.

7]Once upon a time in the West: 1969
A young cowboy protects the land of a widow from land grabbers who murdered her husband. Brilliantly filem and choreographed Spaghetti western, by the master.
[Dir: Sergio Leone/ Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson]

Other Leone movies: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, For a few dollars more, A Fistful of Dollars.

8] Monty Python and The Holy Grail: 1975
King Arthur, the knights of the round table and their glorious quest for the grail Monty Python style, with obscene french guards, the knights that say Ni, killer rabbits and a palace of virgins. Oh, and a witch and a duck. Probably the most quotable comedy of all time. [ You dont frighten us you english pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.....that was it, roflmao]
[Dir: Terry Gilliam/ John Cleese, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam]

Other Monty Python stuff: Life of Brian, Meaning of life, The whole Flying circus stuff [Hitler in England is hilarious]

9] The Maltese Falcon: [B/W]1941
Classic Film Noir, Dick Sam Spade, double dealing client, murder times n, twists times n...damn how do I describe it! This was Bogart at his best.
[Dir: John Houston/ H.Bogart]

10] The Shining: 1980
Do I need to do this. Heres Johnny!!
[Dir: S.Kubrick/ J.Nicholson]

Other Kubrick movies: Anyone that does not like Kubrick is an ignorant no good piece of shit. All his movies, all of it, again and again!!

11] Raging Bull: [B/W]1980
Biopic. DeNiro's performance as Jake La Motta is epic, throw in Joe Pesci and we have one of the best biopics of all time. Understated, underplayed, underappreciated.
[Dir: Scorsese/ DeNiro, Pesci]

Other Scorsese movies: Mean Streets[DeNiro, Harvey Keitel], Taxi Driver[De Niro, Keitel], Colour of money[Newman, Cruise], Goodfellas[DeNiro, Pesci, Liotta], Cape Fear[DeNiro, J.Lange], Casino[DeNiro, Pesci, S.Stone], Gangs of New York[DD Lewis, DiCaprio]

12] The Manchurian Candidate: 1962
Have you ever seen a movie of Sinatra that was actually good? Here it is. About a soldier who returns from Korea, programmed to kill the president. Sounds cheesy, but is actually good. Also an excellent 2004 remake of the same name with Denzel W, Meryl Streep and a surprisingly excellent turn by Liev Schreiber[who you may ask, good question].
[Dir: John Frankenheimer/ F.Sinatra]

13] The Great Escape: 1963
POW's at a German camp plan a daring escape. Brillant movie, good acting, tight script.
[Dir: John Sturges/ McQueen, Attenborough, Coburn, Branson]

14] Bullit: 1968
Gritty police thriller about a curropt politician trying to get at a mob boss. Has the best car chase sequence ever filmed.
[Dir: Peter Yates/ McQueen]

15] Cool Hand Luke: 1967
Considered to be part of the defenitive collection of man movies, it is a brilliant movie and has one of Newman's best performances. Also has the famous "Failure to communicate..." speech.
[Paul Newman]

16] The Sting: 1973
Small time con artist seeks ouot big time hustler to seek revenge on mob boss who has their mutual friend murdered.
[Dir: George Roy Hill/ Newman, Redford, Robert Shaw]

17] Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: 1969
Defenitive buddy flick about, well the title characters. Remember when Redford used to be fun?
[Dir: George Roy Hill/ Newman, Redford]

18] Blade Runner: 1982
Sci Fi Noir, about an ex dick whose job is to track down rouge droids, discovers disturbing cover up secrets of the company that manufactures them.
[Dir: Ridley Scott/ Harrison Ford, Sean Young]

19] A touch of Evil:[B/W] 1952
Murder mysetry and deciet. Orson Welles at his best, probably the only Heston flick I have enjoyed that did not have many many apes.
[Dir: Orson Welles/ Welles, Heston]

Other Welles Movies: Citizen Kane, The Magnificient Ambersons, Othello, Chimes at midnight.

20] High Noon: [B/W]1952
Classic western about a retired, newly married sherrif who returns to fight four fugitives who come into town to kill him in the noon train. The build up while they wait for the killer makes the crux of this satisfying drama.
[Dir: Fred Zinneman/ G.cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges and a young Lee Van Cleef]

21] The Great Dictator: [B/W]1940
Brilliant satire of Hitler. Some classic scenes include a dance with a globe and the climatic cake fight, wihch probably inspired a scene in Dr.Strangelove.
[Dir: Charlie Chaplin]

Other Chaplin Movies: Modern Times, City Lights, The Gold Rush, The Kid, Limelight.

22] Unforgiven: 1992
Clint Eastwood doing what he does best. Outlaw comes out of retirement to kill a group of rapists and collect the reward put on their heads by the prostitutes in a small town. About morality, redemption and guilt.
[Dir: C.Eastwood/ C.Eastwood, M.Freeman, G.Hackman, R.Harris]

23] Oldboy: 2005
Part of a Korean trilogy by maverick director, Park Chan wok, about a man who is kidnapped and held in a cell for 15 years, with only a TV as his link to the outside world. He learns he has been framed for the murder of his wife. At the end of the 15th year, he is released and his kidnapper plays a cat and mouse game with him, challenging him to discover his identity or lose his new friend Miho.
[Dir: Park Chan wok]

24] Dog Day Afternoon: 1975
Two bumbling bank robbers hold a bank hostage after their burglary attempt is foiled, and negotiate with the local force and the FBI to get out free. The tense hold up brings to light the reason for the attempt and catapults the robbers to instant stardom which eventually comes crashing around them.
[Dir: Sidney Lumet/ Pacino, John Cazale]

Other Lumet movies: 12 angry men, Serpico, Network

25] DIE HARD!!!!!!!!!

26] Trainspotting: 1996
The defenitive drug film of our time. The funny, sad, often surreal life of a junkie and his misfit friends, has the most brilliant intro monologue ever. Choose life.....Based on the novel of the same name by Irvine Welsh, this could well the the best anti drug film ever made.
[Dir: Danny Boyle/ E.McGregor, R. Carlyle]

27] The Big Lebowski: 1998
A slacker, laid back bowler, 'the Dude' , is mistaken for a millionaire, whose wife owes a lot of money to a local kingpin. The dude tries to clear up his name, but ends up in a courier for the millonaire whose wife gets kidnapped, end up stealing the money for themselves and then losing it. Brilliant comedy the way only the Coen's can think of. Has a weird psycadelic weed induced love scene with bowling balls and upskirt shots.
[Dir: Coen Bros/ Jeff Daniels, John Goodman, Stee Bushemi, Julianne Moore]

28] Before sunset/Before Sunrise: 2004/1995
Havent seen it, but supposed to be a good romance tale where the couple meet in Paris for a day.
[Dir: Richard Linklater/ Ethan Hawke, Julie Delphy]

Other Linklater movies: Waking life[Hawke, Delphy], The bad news bears[Billy Bob T], School of Rock[Jack Black], A Scanner darkly[K.Reeves, R.Downey Jr, W.Ryder]

29] Young Frankenstein: [B/W]1974
A Parody of the Frankenstien flicks, starring the genius Gene Wilder as the grandson of lunatic doctor Frankenstein, with the usual double entendres Brooks, the father of spoofs, is famous for.
Do you want to roll in ze hay? roll, roll, roll in ze hay.
[Dir: Mel Brooks/ Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman]

Other Brooks movies: Blazing saddles, To be or not to be, The producers, History of the world, Life stinks, Silent movie.

30] On the Waterfront: [B/W] 1954
Marlon Brando was the best actor of his generation, probably the best ever, and this movie shows us just why absolutely nobody came close in hollywood. Brando becomes, not just the character, but the movie itself, effortlessly blacking out everyone else to mere shadows. On the Waterfront is probably his best remembered role, and as Terry Malloy, he voices the most famous and most imitated, but never matched monologue on film. The movie, about a has been boxer's fight for revenge, dignity, and self affirmation, is told beautifully by Elia Kazan. Kazan introduced Brando to the world with 'A Streetcar named Desire', and also gave us James Dean, was the king of angst. Cinema seldom gets better.
[Dir: Eliza Kazan/ Brando]

Other Kazan Movies: A Streetcar named Desire[Brando/Vivien Leigh], East of Eden[J.Dean, Splendour in the grass[W.Beatty]

31] Lawrence of Arabia: 1962
One of my personal favourites, and probably the most brilliant biopics made, Lean directs Peter O Toole to his career defining role as TE Lawrence, the eccentric English major, concentrating on his exploits in the middle east. Also marks the hollywood debut of the evergreen Omar Sharif.
[Dir: David Lean/ O Toole, Alec Guiness, Omar Sharif]

Other David Lean movies: The bridge on the river Kwai, Doctor Zhivago, Great Expectations

32] Murder by death: 1976
A whodunnit spoof with all the usual suspects. Truman Capote plays an eccentric millionaire, who invites the best detectives in the world to solve his own murder. What we get is a brilliant comedy with the greatest ensemble cast of comic geniuses on screen, Nivens, Sellers, Guiness give us a memorable, flawed classic.
[Dir: Robert Moore/ Nivens, Guiness, Capote, Sellers]

33] Ferris Bueller's day off: 1986
High school fun, with some teenage rebellion thrown in. Risky business does not come close. The movie that made Matthew broderick.
[Dir: John Hughes/ Broderick]

34] The Untouchables: 1987
Brian De Palma, weaves a fictional web around real events that led to the eventual arrest and conviction of the legendary Chicago mob boss Capone, played brilliantly by DeNiro. Sean Connery plays an Irish American cop to good effect.
[Dir: De Palma/ Kevin Costner, DeNiro, Connery, Andy Garcia]

Other DePalma flicks: Carrie, Dressed to Kill, Scarface, Raising Caine, Carlito's Way, Mission Impossible, Snake eyes.

35] Wall Street:
It isn't a great movie, it is a good movie that runs on great performances. Michael Douglas, best known for Basic instict and being the son and husband of famous stars probably got his best role as ordon Geko. Charlie Sheen plays a hotshot wall street trader who falls from grace, he never did better.
[Dir: Ollie Stone/ C.Sheen, M.Douglas, M.Sheen, D.Hannah]

Other Stone Movies: Platoon, JFK, The doors, Natural Born Killers, U turn.

36] The Italian Job: 1969
A group of crazy british crooks, with the aid of a rich kingpin in jail plan a daring robbery in the middle of Turin, by baiting the traffic system. The greatest car chase sequence in mini's in the movie that immortalised them, and probably the second best car chase sequence ever filmed. Addictive fun, and the best Brit star of them all.
[Dir: ??/ Michael Caine, Noel Coward, Benny Hill]

37] Any movie with Michael J Fox....I just love the guy. Try, For Love or Money, Frightners, any Back to the future flick or The Hard Way.

38] Dirty Rotten Scoundrels: 1998
the movie is what I would call a guilty pleasure. It does have a good little thing going, but it is by no means a great movie, yet the chemistry between Caine and Steve Martin, elevates this movie to what its not, a classic.
[Dir: Frank Oz[Yoda]/ Caine, Steve Martin]

39] Dirty Harry: 1971
Another one of em guilty pleasure type movies. It is all gritty and shit, but the tough cop routine ages pretty quickly, and even if anyone tries they cant get tougher than the man himself. Do ya feel lucky, Punk?
[Dir: Don Seigel/ Clint Eastwood]

40] The Nightmare before Christmas: 1993
An animated musical by Tim Burton, the weirdest genius in Hollywood, he gives us the most brilliant whacky comedy, musical ever. No other musical in hollywood history can hold a candle to this one.
[Creator: Tim Burton]

Other Burton Flicks: Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Batman, Batman Returns, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Corpse Bride.

41] Apocalypse Now: 1979
The movie that almost bankrupted Coppola, almost killed Martin Sheen, it is my favourite war movie of all time. The way Brando stole the movie away from everyone although he barely had a screentime of a half hour, pure genius. Also has some uber cool dialogues courtesy of Robert Duvall.
[Dir: FF Coppola/ M.Sheen, Duvall, L.Fishburne, Dennis Hopper and Brando]

42] Zulu: 1964
Michael Caine's first major role, in this classic tale of a remote outpost under seige. Rather than being racist, the movie potrays the Zulus as the fierce, intelligent and extermely brave warriors that they are. The key to enjoying the movie is to not get put off by the mating dance of the zulus, that runs for the first 10 minutes of the movie, probably fast forward the parts and you will enjoy the movie.
[Dir: ??/ Michael Caine]

43] Sideways: 2004
If you havent yet watched, this is one of the best movies of 2004, a little depressing, but excellently done.
[Dir: Alexander Payne/ Giamatti, Hayden Church, Virginia Madsen]

Other Payne flicks: Election, About Schmidt

44] The Royal Tenenbaums: 2001
A brilliant movie about a weirdly disfuctional family. It has a stellar ensemble cast, and an eclectic feel to it. Dont know if you will enjoy it, I sure as hell did...also try to watch his other movies, The life aquatic[2004], a weordly fantastic tale of a fictional killer shark and Rushmore[1998], a bittersweet love story. Wes Anderson is one of the most brilliant young directors around today.
[Dir. W.Anderson/ G.Hackman, A.Huston, G.Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Owen and Luke Wilson, Bill Murray]

45] Bill Murray:
Almost anything with the guy. He is a genius!! Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, Scrooged, Rushmore, Groundhog day, Mad dog and glory, Lost in translation, The life Aquatic. We will forgive him for Garfield and Charlie's angels.

46] Austin Powers: [any]
You are semi-evil, quasi- evil, you are the diet coke of evil.

47] Fools Rush In: 1997
Guilty pleasure times n. I have actually watched this movie many times over. I guess I'm just in love with Salma Hayek.
[Dir: dunno/ Matthew Perry, Salma Hayek]

48] Ong Bak:
Mindless thai Kickboxing action. Heeyahah. Oh and there are elephants and human trafficking from thailand, all in the Oz. Go Figure.

49] Ten: 1979
Bo Derek in a golden swimsuit with cornrows running on a beach in slow motion. Every man's fantasy, and probaby the inspiration for all the slo mo running action in baywatch, although we could have done without the slo mo david Hasselhoff hairy chest shit. Damn bastard. Dudley Moore is a middle aged composer who is smitten with Bo Derek and follows her on her honeymoon to have sex with her. Fun movie.
[Dir: Blake Edwards/ Dudley Moore, Julie Andrews, Bo Derek]

50] Pink Panther: [Any]
Peter Sellers is a comic genius. I will watch anything that he has ever done. The fact is that he is more hilarioous doing even the most unfunny stuff. The first Pink Panther was not too good, and neither is the last, but we have 3 in between that are. A shot in the dark, The return of the pink panther, The Pink Panther strikes again, the 4th one called revenge of the pink panther wasnt great either. Also we have the super neat soundtrack. du-dum du-dum, du-dum du-dum du-dum du-dum du-duuuuummmmmm. The genius that was Henry Mancini. Steve Martin cannot carry off the French accent with as much ease and flair as Sellers, or the physical comedy. Also 'The Party', where he plays an Indian actor wannabe, is a good watch.
[Dir: Blake Edwards/ Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom]

There we have it, a list that gets kinda sad to the end. But you bitches are only gonna pick 4-5 out of the list, so go to hell ya freaks.


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