Monday, January 19, 2009

My Movie Star Lists

Here is a list of my favourite actors and my favourite movies of theirs:


To me the most complete actor. Extremely versatile and mind numbingly subtle, he was the actor I grew up watching and idolising. Although he does tend to fall into bouts of mediocrity, his best works have been just spectacular. To make a list of my favorite movies of his would be impossible. But here are his best dramatic performances and movies.

1. Vaanaprastam
2. Amritham gamaya
3. Patha mudra
4. Aham
5. Iruvar
6. Bharatham
7. Kireedam
8. Kalapani - bad movie, great performance.
9. Thanmatra
10. His Highness Abdullah.
11. Nammukuparkan Munthirithoppukal.
12. Kamaladhalam
13. Spadikam
14. Devasuram


The best Comic Screenwriter in India probably and a pretty spectacular actor, considering his looks and limitations.
Again it is impossible to pick a few great movies of his...

1. Vadakunoki yenthram
2. Thalayana manthram
3. Akkarey ninnoru maran
4. Chintavishtayaya shyamala
5. Panchavadi palam
6. Sanmanasullorku samadhanam
7. Gandhinagar second street
8. Kalapani
9. Mukundhetta Sumitra villikunnu
10. Udhayananu taram
11. Nadodikattu
12. Pattanapravesam
13. Sandesham
14.Then maavin kombathu

Toshiro Mifune:

Macho and moralistic. Have only seen him in Kurosawa's movies, which I think is more than enough. Extremely versatile with spectacular screen presence and a brilliant voice.

1. Stray Dog.
2. Rashomon
3. Shichinin no Samurai
4. Yojimbo
5. Red Beard
6. Sanjuro
7. The hidden fortress
8. Throne of blood

Marlon Brando:

The best hollywood actor ever. Period.

1. On the waterfront
2. the Godfather
3. Last Tango in Paris
4. A Streetcar named Desire
5. Apocalypse Now
6. The Brave
7. Sayonara
8. Mutiny on the bounty
9. One eyed jacks

Robert De Niro:

A great actor, but typecast and slipping into mediocrity. Reinvented himself as director, which I hope he follows up on.

1. Raging Bull
2. Taxi Driver
3. Goodfellas
4. Mean Streets
5. Casino
6. The Deer hunter
7. The Godfather 2
8. Heat
9. The King of comedy
10. The untouchables
11. Once upon a time in america

Daniel Day Lewis:

Probably the most complete and intense actor in the world today. Could probably dethrone Brando in my books someday.

1. Gangs of New York
2. My Left foot
3. The Last of the Mohicans

Havent seen him in anything else, and am sure his performance in There Will be Blood will be my favourite once I watch it.

Al Pacino:

Started out as a spectacularly talented and subtle actor, slipped into this intense and hammy star after scarface.

1. Dog Day Afternoon
2. Serpico
3. The Godfather 1 and 2
4. Heat
5. And justice for all
6. Glengary Glen Ross
7. Carlito's way
8. Donnie Brasco
9. The insider
10. Scarecrow

Edward Norton:

Excellent actor stuck doing bad and obscure roles. Breaks out with some spectacular movies once a while.

1. American History X
2. The painted veil
3. Fight Club - for sentimental reasons
4. The people vs larry flint
5. Primal fear
6. 25th Hour
7. Red Dragon

Christian Bale:

Most promising actor of this generation. Intense and method to the core.

1. Rescue Dawn
2. 3:10 to Yuma
3. The machinist
4. The prestige
5. American Psycho
6. The new world
7. Empire of the sun
8. Batman Begins
9. Reign of fire
10. Equilibrium

Johnny Depp:

For the record, I have been a fan before the Jack Sparrow years. Quirky and unconventional in almost all roles.

1. Edward Scissorhands
2. Sweeny Todd
3. Fear and loathing in las vegas
4. Ed wood
5. Arizona dream
6. The brave
7. Whats eating gilbert grape
8. Benny and joon
9. Donnie brasco
11.Sleepy hollow
12.Finding neverland
13.Pirates of the C
14.Once upon a time in Mexico

Bill Murray:

My favourite American funny man.

1. Rushmore
2. Groundhog day
3. Lost in translation
4. The life aquatic
5. Ghostbusters
6. Caddyshack
7. Mad dog and glory
8. The Royal Tenenbaums
9. Ed Wood


Blogger OMFGITSROHIT said...

Our lists are similar. You'll love there will be blood. Do check out Norton's latest work. I completely agree about Pacino becoming hammy after scarface.

I really want to see Mohan Lal's movies but I don't know how to get them. Are they available on torrents?

11:00 pm  

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